Sunday, March 27, 2005

Well, Meghan's not in Mexico anymore.

I am back to rainy Portland (which I love).

I was so busy last week with the group being in town that I didn't have time to write. We did a lot of stuff, the most important thing to me was hanging out with Pastor Pedro, his family, and Stephanie and Sheila who stayed with them during the week. We had a lot of fun with them, and they have told Stephanie and I that their door is always open to us, especially for when we come back in June. Most of our time with them was just sitting around talking with them (i'm incredibly surprised at my spanish abilities) and laughing together. We tried to get the girls to say "holla!" for us but they were really, really hesitant until Pastor Pedro walked into the room and did it right off the bat for us. So "holla" and "lucky" (from Napoleon Dynamite) were our catchphrases for the week. Tuesday night we took the family out for ice cream and had a grand time.

I don't have time to explain everything we, as the group, and I, as an individual, did all week, but it was incredibly busy. The projects were to build a kitchen for the church, a house for a family, and some finish work on another house. In between those projects everyone hung out with their host families, went to church two times, visited the rehab center, and nearly everyone visited a migrant camp at least once as there were three opportunities to do so.

Wednesday night Geno, Brigida, and Leonor had planned to have a "slumber party" with me after church, yet I figured it was just going to be us sitting up talking and eventually sleeping. I was not prepared for them to make me homemade quesatacos, cake (and smash my face in it) and have a game for me. We didn't go to sleep until 1:30, which I don't think agreed very well with any of us because we were all out of bed by 6.

Thursday afternoon I went back to Welcome Home to hang out a little with the kids and to start packing. I also had no idea that the girls would organize a small going away thing with the kids for me. We had balloons, music, cupcakes, and juice. I helped see the kids off and then discovered after they left that I would not see them Friday morning like I had planned on because Good Friday is a holiday in Mexico. I saw the kids off without really saying goodbye!

Thursday night there was a "potluck" of sorts at the church because both groups brought things to eat. This was a meal for the youth group and the families that hosted students. Because Geno and Brigida and Leonor would not be at Welcome Home the next day working I had to say goodbye then and there. Not an incredibly happy time, I must say. It is very reassuring to tell all my new friends that I will be back in June to see them.

We left Friday morning around 9:45 from Vicente Guerrero and made it back to Portland about 4pm on Saturday. The drive went really well and we made incredible time, considering we spent at least 2 and a half hours with a side trip to La Bufadora.

Connie, Stephanie, and I all took turns driving my parents' minivan on the way back while Evonne, Cameron, and Andy were also passengers. We made ourselves into a little family and had a great ride home. We listened to a lot of music, did some dancing, talked a lot about mustaches, etc. Evonne did a great job of being my copilot. I drove from 9:30pm Friday to 6am Saturday and she asked me tons of questions to help keep me awake. As much as our vanfull hated to leave Mexico (there were quite a few "let's just turn around and go South again" comments) we were happy to make it back to Portland. I didn't sleep the entire ride home (and was up at 5:30 on Friday morning), so last night when I went to bed my head hit the pillow and I was out.

So that's it! It has been a little weird being back, I almost feel as if I never left and nothing has changed. I created so many routines in Mexico for myself that it feels very, very odd to be without a set schedule like that. Tomorrow my kids will go back to Welcome Home and have a new volunteer face in my place. I cannot wait until June.

For those of you who are still reading this, I may have one more wrap up entry about my time in Mexico. Also, I plan on getting my pictures developed this week, getting them scanned, and putting them somewhere online. Check back this weekend sometime and I will hopefully have that available. Deportas bien, todos!


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