Monday, February 07, 2005

I thought of another phrase that I did not learn in Spanish class in high school, and it is a phrase I wishh I knew how to say:
"Yes, I actually did want that bar in my ear."
One of the first days the kids were really looking at it strangely. I have also been asked by a couple of different people about the silver streak in my hair. They have all asked if I colored it that way, and I have tried to tell them that no, it is genetic and natural. Hopefully I got my point across.

A couple weeks ago I walked into one of the classrooms after everyone was gone and thought I saw a cockroach. The next day I told Geno there was a cockroach in her room. A few days later I was in Avy´s room and I thought I saw another cockroach, so I was pointing him out and the kids were going after him. I kept saying "La Cucaracha" to the kids. This tells you how stupid I am, or how I don´t know anything about cockroaches, being from Oregon: It wasn´t a cockroach. It was a pinacate. Apparently pinacates walk around and cockroaches run. I had no idea. And I didn´t even find out until a few days later when Avy was telling Brigida and they were laughing at me!

I had a fairly busy weekend, which was nice. Saturday was a holiday here in Mexico, and the girls didn´t have to come into work, but Brigida did to wash the kids´uniforms and aprons, and to work on a bulletin board. Then she and I hopped on the public bus and went down to San Quintin, which is about 10 miles (??) south of Vicente Guerrero. I had never ridden the public bus before, so that was a little adventure. Our driver´s name was Juan and I liked him. He laughed with us when one of the kids almost didn´t make it off the bus in time with his family, and Juan would wave to the other bus drivers.

We went to the globos (market) in San Quintin, which is permanent for every weekend. We just walked around, got pizza, and bought a couple of things, then headed back. Our bus ride on the way back was much bouncier, it was a long bus instead of a short one like the first time.

Then Saturday night I went with the girls to church, except their church was visiting a church in Camalu that weekend. The Saturday night service is for youth, and we all boarded the church´s big school bus for Camalu. When we arrived at the church there were other youth groups there as well, and it reminded me home. Singing, youth games, and food. It was a fun night-- they all played these games that were hilarious to watch. I wanted to play but knew I couldn´t really understand, so I sat out. The most embarrassing thing was that everyone stood up to introduce his or her self, and so I had to stand up and say "Me llamo Meghan, La Hermosa" (the name of the church I came with). I was so nervous about doing it, i think i said it wrong.

On the weekends I have gone to the library to play the piano that is in there. It is terribly out of tune, but it gives me good practice-- in fact more than I got at home. I was in there yesterday afternoon and Damaris came in to say hi. Her mom came to get her and they invited me to lunch at a nice little cafe on the main road. At the cafe they had coffee table books, and one was of picturesque America (why? I don´t know), but i found a picture of the rocky Oregon coast to show them. They asked if I had been to the beach here at all, and I said no, so Rosa, being the person that she is, said "Vamanos!" and off we went to the beach. It was cold and windy yesterday, however, so we didn´t stick around very long. Between the town of Chula Vista and the beach was some beautiful scenery, so it was a nice drive.


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